Here you will find information on how to get to the Clubhaus Bachmair Weissach in Tegernsee.


Hauptstraße 45
83684 Tegernsee


We recommend the following parking spaces:

Central car park Tegernsee

Opening hours: daily from 8 a.m. to 7 p.m.
Fee: 1.00 euro per hour.

The daily fee is € 5.00.

There are 2 disabled parking spaces in the front area and 1 parking space in the rear area (by the Olaf-Gulbransson-Mueum).

Underground parking lot

The underground car park is located at the Kreissparkasse Miesbach-Tegernsee. It is open 24 hours a day. The first 2 hours are free of charge, afterwards every half an hour € 2.50. Entrances and exits are also in the spa garden.

Seesauna Tegernsee

The "Seesauna Tegernsee" also offers paid parking spaces.